Sunday, December 11, 2016

Digital Literacy Guide

Digital Literacy Guide for Young Adult Learners at the Fashion Institute of Technology:

This guide is meant to be used as a learning tool for young college freshman that are entering their first years in a higher learning setting. Digital literacy is defined as the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share and create content using information technologies and the Internet. (Cornell Information Technologies, 2009, Cornell University) The general standards for research, writing papers, and plagiarism have changed since high school. This guide is meant to provide all students with the necessary tools needed to ensure that they are following instructors directions, meeting academic expectations as well as providing students with necessary tools needed for basic researching. While it is easy to copy and paste information from websites it is not acceptable to do so without citing your references in proper format. College life in regards to writing papers at FIT will introduce you to APA format and this literacy guide will teach you what that is and how to ensure you’re doing it properly. The college has a strict stance on plagiarism, which you will also find, located in this guide. If there are ever changes to any policies you can check back to this literacy guide where all information is current and up to date. The FIT library is available 24/7 at

Literacy Type           Focus Area   Objectives                                Examples

Tools for Writing       Writing           How to write a college             Writing Center                                                                   Level paper                                        *Appointment must be
                                                                                                                                                                   Made in advance

                                                      Writing           Following APA format           Purdue Writing Lab

                                                      Writing           Citation machine                   Citation Machine
                                                            Automatically adapts  
                                                            To proper citing format

                                    Writing           Code of Conduct regarding

Data Literacy             Research        Forecasting services for          -Fashion Snoops
                                                            Fashion related courses                     -Doneger     
                                                            *its best to use more then one                    -WGSN
                                                                                          **FIT online library offers databases
                                                                                          for all forecasting sites

                                                      Research        Current events and up-to-date       -NRF News
                                                            Industry information                          Briefs
                                                                                                                        -Business of

                                                  Research           Books on numerous topics               E-Books
                                                            Relating to fashion and liberal        available for
                                                            Arts are available through the        review or rent
                                                            Online library                                                Magazines

Visual Literacy       Research                        Preparing visual aids for projects   PowerPoint
                                                            Videos for supplemental use           YouTube
                                                            In presentations
                                                            Develop or manipulate images        Adobe
                                                            For product related courses                        Photoshop

Tool Literacy         Learning              Any guidance needed for                 Blackboard
                               Systems               LMS including tutorials

                               Digital                  Conduct meetings digitally              Google
                                            Meetings                       for team meetings                             Hangout

                               Social Media        Creative work for classes or             Pinterest
                               Site Information Projects                                              Blogs


Cornell University Digital Literacy Resource. What is Digital Literacy? Retrieved from

The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. Purdue Online Writing Lab. Retrieved from

Citation Machine retrieved from

Fashion Institute of Technology retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Jenn, great job thinking of such a wide variety of media forms. It is so important for students to realize that there is much beyond the traditional five paragraph essay. I like how you incorporate this throughout your guide. It is also essential that you mentioned plagiarism. Many students truly do not understand what it is and end up plagiarizing unintentionally. It is a shame! Anyway, really good job here!
