Thursday, September 29, 2016

Media Convergence and Networked Participation 

There was a shooting in an elementary school today, Brangelina broke up, who won the presidential debate.....these are all the questions and thoughts that ran through my head this week (it's only Wednesday cut me some slack). As these current events took place my mind automatically shifted to I need to know more, and where does one learn more about events media. I jumped on my Facebook page to learn exactly why Brangelina called it quits, I wanted to see what my "friends" were saying about the debate, and sadly I wanted to see if anyone was talking about the details of the elementary school shooting. Varnelis discusses the networked public culture that we have become so reliant on today, and how it is directed towards specific genres and styles. ( Varnelis, K. p.46, 2008) We now have outlets to voice our opinions, to debate certain topics and subjects as well as a network to "socialize" on. People no longer just try a new restaurant on a whim, we go on check the reviews and read the menu before hand; nothing is spontaneous. I don't think that this is a cultural change, I find it to be more of a societal change. Society has accepted this as the new norm and we now have businesses focusing on advertising on social media, being concerned more with reviews and ratings, and paying closer attention to what's being said about the brand or store.

Varnelis writes about Chris Anderson's description on how the global retailing giant, Amazon is able to be so profitable. He explains in detail that " does not achieve a profit from the short head-a small number of bestsellers-but from the long tail-a wide variety of niche products, each of which has relatively small circulation." (Varnelis, K. p.46, 2008) Amazon is able to connect special-interest groups which have helped to create new distribution channels. These new distribution channels have allowed small manufacturers and small audiences to find one another. Amazon is a hot topic in the fashion industry right now because they are changing the way that retailers think about  business. Amazon is teaching the retailing world that networking and partnering are a recipe for success. Digital communication gives business from all over the world the opportunity to develop relationships that can strengthen their brand. It's more important now then ever before that businesses understand and adapt to digital communication formats. This could mean teaching CEO's and heads of companies the nuances of digital networking.

The concept of viral marketing is not new to me coming from the fashion industry. The blogger/influencer has taken over the role of the celebrity spokesperson. Businesses care deeply about their "fan base" and how they are reacting to the new product or service. Today's younger generation feels that they can relate more to the influencer because they are someone in their niche market. I agree with Varnelis' statement that, "Viral marketing assumes consumers, not firms, have the most influence in the creation of brands." (Varnelis, K, p.62, 2008.) Fans now dictate if you're purchasing or designing the right product for your brand, they are even helping to make decisions about the brand that effect the end product such as colors being offered and details being used. The author goes on to say that, "Social networking technologies, from e-mail to MySpace, have given consumers the power to transform brands." (Varnelis, K, p.63, 2008.) Social networks are being used to spread information about products or services being offered and are taking the place of print advertising for most companies.  Brands are spending a majority of their advertising budget on digital communications and social media marketing because that is where the customer is.

This chapter in Networked Publics resonated with me because of the emphasis on marketing and digital communications. The fashion industry has evolved in so many ways since I originally entered it and the main reason for this shift is the growth in digital technologies. The Internet changed everyones business, some for the better and others for the worse. The author touches upon the importance of ensuring that your brand is putting out the right image because now more then ever if once bad thing is said or written by the company it will be passed along to the public via social media which could ruin your business. Abercrombie and Fitch is a perfect example of this. The CEO said to media outlets that his brand did not offer large sized clothing because they did not want to sell to a large sized customer. The comment went viral almost immediately, the CEO was forced to step down and business has been bad for the brand ever since. I believe that not only in business but also in personal life it is more important than ever to ensure that you're getting the correct message you want out because it can spread quickly either way.

Varnelis, K. (2008). Networked Publics. Cambridge, Massachusetts 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenn,
    Your post describes viral marketing as a great platform for virtual corporations to advertise and promote their product(s). there was a time when negative word of mouth by consumers would bury a business, in the 21st century it would not take very long if a customer is wronged and that person would go viral about a negative comment about that particular company. The point you discuss on your post the power of viral marketing can really benefit a company. We as consumers’ play a vital role in society as the saying goes: the customer is always right.
